A lady and her coffee...by the Letter E

This isn't much of an 'informative' blog this morning...just a little piece of whimsy I happened to stumble upon... On my morning drive today I reached a point where I was stopped in a line of traffic along a busy street. So as I waited for the light to turn green I sat and people watched for a few minutes. One woman stood out among the others because she was walking away carrying a newspaper in one hand and a cup of coffee in a red cup in the other. She wore a dark blue 'suit' of sweatpants and a jacket of the same blue color. Around her neck she had a small shiny key on a lanyard that swung side to side as she walked. She wasn't very attractive per se...but the way she carried herself made her more appealing I suppose. She looked like someone that needed that coffee in order to function properly throughout the day. She had that groggy puffy eyed look to her as if last night had not been too friendly to her but I still couldn't look away. So ...