
Showing posts from April, 2012 the Letter E

Twitter. We all use it or have at least ventured to the website once or twice to see what the hoopla is all about. Some left and never returned because they didn't see the big deal in the utilization of twitter. Some, like me left then returned to give it another go. Now I utilize twitter every day to keep me in the loop with various events in my community and in my current state, to look for a job. That is how I fell in love with Twitter. Then I realized I was getting rather bored with the people that I was following. (no offense) They were posting witty tweets and information but it just wasn't enough. I discovered that I needed new content and new people to follow but I didn't have all day to sit and browse through the jillions of (yes I said jillions) of folks on the twitter site. Enter . My saving grace. It's a site that allows you to browse categorically the people that you might want to follow. So if I'm looking to follow the latest t...

Faith in the Letter E

The past week has been wrought with a wave of emotions from the Austin community. On Friday April 6, 2012 "Good" Friday, one of Austin's finest was gunned down by a senseless act of violence when he tried to subdue a subject in a local Walmart. This father of two beautiful little girls died there, and set off a chain of events in my community that has renewed my faith in man. Jaime Padron was a seasoned veteran of the San Angelo Police department and had only been with Austin PD for about three years before he was killed. Before he died Officer Padron was able to put out one more call for help. While his fellow brothers in blue rushed to his aid, two brave Walmart employees tackled and secured the shooter but were unable to save Jaime. Even though he was wearing a kevlar vest for protection the shooter realized his shot was ineffective and aimed for his neck with his second shot. But this is not where this story ends. Over the next week we learned about Jaime Pad...