
Showing posts from November, 2012

Ad Agencies and Social Media: Is there a disconnect?

If you've ever tried to find employment at an advertising agency without any 'agency experience', you probably know how difficult it can be to even get your resume past the gatekeeper reviewing the emails much less get in to interview.  With the appearance of social media and this type of emergent media marketing ad agencies are trying to keep up.  The reason is simple, to be good at social media monitoring it involves actual interaction with the community and others online.  Creating a campaign for a client involves much more than just creating generic content to post every holiday, which is different from standard ad operations that normally send out  'holiday blast' commercial copy across all normal marketing channels for a client.  Social media requires 'interaction'.  One does NOT need a Masters degree or agency experience in order to get to know your buying public and interact with them online.  Many small businesses and even some not...

Political Talk: Things heard in a voting line

So, like many of you today in America, I exercised my right to vote in the 2012 Presidential Election. Do I find it odd that this also happens to be the year that the world is supposed to wobble our society into apocalyptic oblivion according to the Mayan big rocks?  NO, but that's an ENTIRE other kind of blog.  I'm writing today because of something I noticed while waiting in the long line at my polling place this morning.  I learned a few things this morning as I shuffled along with the rest of the lemmings.  They no particular order: Some people really don't know what they're doing... Listening to the crowd around me a woman's voice stuck out so I listened to what she was saying.  She described and I quote "I sure hope they don't have the same machines as last time, and I sure hope I know how to work it, because last time I had no idea what I was doing"  That bothers me a little...shouldn't a news outlet SOMEWHERE do a story prior t...

Viral or Anti Viral? Who gets credit?

With the advent of social media, well of the internet really people have become more inclined to share everything from photos, artwork news and everything in between.  Offline, people have been sharing artwork and utilizing other forms of communication for centuries in the form of books, and the spoken word in libraries and in museums.  Only now has the sharing images and other forms of media gone online and increased viewership by the millions world-wide. The term viral is as commonplace now in discussion of online content as it was back in the days of using the term to describe actual biological medical conditions.  Why?  How do things like art or media go viral? What is the difference between now and then? The answer to all of these questions is innovative technology and YOU. LOL CAT MEMES You and everyone else on the planet that has access to technological resources like the internet, computers and smart phones.  Even those that live in places with...