The Scariest Thing I've Ever Done: Telling my friends I was homeless
So, the other day I was reading through my usual social media outlets and catching up on the news. I stumbled upon a post by Arianna Huffington where she was asking people what their " Wake Up Call " moments in their lives were. She solicited stories from people and in exchange would select a few to receive a copy of her new book THRIVE: The Third Metric To Redefining Success And Creating A Life of Well Being, Wisdom, and Wonder. I submitted my wake up call, not thinking anything would come of it but scared to death because what I told her in my story I had never told more than a few people about. As soon as I finished my article and hit the send button on that email I knew only two things. 1. That I had just told the potential world that I and my family were homeless a couple of years ago, and 2. That admission was scary as hell. There are many in the world that are quick to pass judgement on others and I had spent the last 2 years reading all of...