The Scariest Thing I've Ever Done: Telling my friends I was homeless

So, the other day I was reading through my usual social media outlets and catching up on the news.  I stumbled upon a post by Arianna Huffington where she was asking people what their "Wake Up Call" moments in their lives were.  She solicited stories from people and in exchange would select a few to receive a copy of her new book THRIVE: The Third Metric To Redefining Success And Creating A Life of Well Being, Wisdom, and Wonder.  

I submitted my wake up call, not thinking anything would come of it but scared to death because what I told her in my story I had never told more than a few people about.  As soon as I finished my article and hit the send button on that email I knew only two things.  1. That I had just told the potential world that I and my family were homeless a couple of years ago, and 2. That admission was scary as hell.  There are many in the world that are quick to pass judgement on others and I had spent the last 2 years reading all of the negative things that some of my very own friends had to say about people on Governmental assistance.  Reading their posts and comments on other stories made me feel ashamed and embarrassed.  It also made me question my choice in friends.  I didn't know how people could be so insensitive and thoughtless when they posted their negative remarks.

Not everyone is on drugs or trying to steal from the Government.

My husband and I worked for years before we went into the few years of dire straits.  We paid into the social security system, we saved money, we tried to do the right things and had never utilized Government assistance until that point.  The point of desperation when all of our savings and money had been spent and no job prospects were in sight.  Sometimes life throws challenges at you and sometimes you feel as if you might never recover.  You feel low, and sad, and mad, and you just want to hit something you are so frustrated.  It's at this point where some simply give up.  They give in to the despair and hopelessness and don't make it out to start over.  I never wanted that to be the point shortly after I got angry...I got motivated.

Please read about our journey here:  What I learned About My Family and Myself From Being Homeless

If you or someone you know is currently homeless, or on the verge of being homeless...please be the light for them.  They'll never tell you how much they're hurting, or how awful they feel...just be a friend and lend an ear when you can.  It will help more than you'll ever know.

Live well.

This memoir was brought to you today by the Letter E....


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