Robin Williams is Gone and why that's NOT O.K.

It has taken me quite some time to think about what if anything I wanted to express in my blog about the loss of actor Robin Williams. People die every second of every day, and I hardly bat an eye. I don't know them nor have I ever known their life stories. They are just people. Their lives are special to the ones that loved them. I hardly bat a eye as I know that there is nothing that I could have possibly done to save them.

Death is a part of life. Wait, let me rephrase that, natural death is a part of life. Suicide on the other hand is not. It is something that I cannot comprehend. I don't understand the dark place in someone's mind and heart that suicide resides in. It is selfish. It is brutal, raw, and so unforgiving to those left behind. Suicide is not fair play. I think that is why I had such a hard time trying to wrap my head around the death of Robin Williams. The SUICIDE OF ROBIN WILLIAMS! Words left me after I heard the news, I was literally speechless and felt like I had been punched in the stomach. Thank you for that Robin Williams.

I have loved you since I was 7 years old, hung on your words, watched your movies. I mimicked your jokes and fashioned my life around laughter and love because that is where the happiness comes from. I am sad BEYOND WORDS.  I cried more for you than I did for Michael Jackson. You were so admired by me, Robin Williams, so admired that I even bought a multi-colored vest and Mork suspenders when I was a kid just to be as funny as you were. I loved you. Everyone loved you.

I am sad, but more than that I AM ANGRY!!  So ANGRY at you. How could you?  How could you not live. How was it that you could not see the light that you brought to the world?  Were your loved ones so ugly to you that you had to just leave? Were the demons in your head so wrought with anger and noise that you needed to silence them? WHAT? I ask these questions as if you will ever be able to answer them.  Your children are left behind. Your friends that love you so dearly, also left behind.  Your fans, me, them, ALL left behind to miss your extraordinary talent and humanity. We are lost.

How could you be so damn selfish. How dare you make me cry. How dare you  make me miss you. How dare you not see how much the world loved you...

Suicide is not O.K. It is a murderer. It sucks the life out of people and tries to cut deep and gaping holes into people. I am not referring to the person committing the act, but instead am directing this to the people left behind. It kills us slowly.  It rapes us again and again as we think about the loved one dying alone and in pain. If you are considering suicide, STOP. It is not O.K. Write me instead.  Call someone. Write to postsecret. Do something ANYTHING to keep from killing yourself and letting suicide kill those that love you.

So Robin Williams, I hope you rest in eternal peace.  Rest in peace knowing that all of your family, friends, and fans are heartbroken and missing you every day.  Now we get to see your movies come out in theaters, and remember again.  Suicide will get to gut check us once more while we sit and laugh at your comedy routines, and watch your shows. Tears will flow again knowing that we will not get another chance to see the magic that you and only you could have given us.

Suicide is NOT O.K. I have lost too many friends to this vicious illness. If you are feeling the need to talk to someone, feel free to email me or contact me through another social outlet like Google+ or Twitter @luckymunkee  I have great ears and I will listen to you and talk to you.  You may also contact the suicide prevention hotline here: SUICIDE PREVENTION

I implore you, don't leave the ones you love behind to clean up your mess. It hurts.


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