April 21st Google's New Website Optimization Update
The current word on the social media circuit has the potential to effect anyone that has a website on the internet. Google is set to release an update on April 21st that will effect how the search engines view and pick up on your website if it isn't optimized for mobile devices.
What does that mean?
Well since almost 80% of websites that are currently on the internet get all jumbly, cannot function on a mobile device properly, and just aren't adjusted well enough to handle such devices they will see falls in their search page rank. That's a lot of people that could potentially be affected by this update.
Why are they doing this?
They have noticed that more people are conducting searches for websites from their mobile devices vs. a standard computer browser. People visit the pages only to find that they are not optimized for the device that they are being viewed on. This looks bad for business not only for the business with the janky webpage, but also for Google which has a high standard of awesome search results in the world. This means that reputable sites that appear in search results currently might want to step up their mobile optimization game if they want to remain high in those search results.
What could this mean for your business?
Well, after the update you might notice a dramatic drop in your search rank. Which means that you could potentially lose visitors or worse...move to the dreaded 3rd page of the search engines, you know along with stuff like edible perfume and the guys from Color Me Badd. Nobody wants that.
Ok, What can I do to see if my site is optimized Elaine? Tell me!!
That's simple. You simply click the link below and enter in your website address and click ANALYZE
This will perform a scan of your website or your clients' websites and let you know of any potential problems with them.
My site is NOT optimized...NOW WHAT!?
The fix is simple. All you must do is talk to your web designer, or the person in charge of your website IT and have them make the fixes that were suggested through the link and then re-analyze it.
Don't have a person to do that? (shameless plug time) Give me a call and I can help get you through this update.
And there you have it folks...the short and the sweet of Google's new fangled Optimization update.
Hope this helps!
This Optimized post was brought to you today by the letter E...have a great day!
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