Political Talk: Things heard in a voting line

So, like many of you today in America, I exercised my right to vote in the 2012 Presidential Election. Do I find it odd that this also happens to be the year that the world is supposed to wobble our society into apocalyptic oblivion according to the Mayan big rocks?  NO, but that's an ENTIRE other kind of blog.  I'm writing today because of something I noticed while waiting in the long line at my polling place this morning.  I learned a few things this morning as I shuffled along with the rest of the lemmings.  They are..in no particular order:

Some people really don't know what they're doing...
Listening to the crowd around me a woman's voice stuck out so I listened to what she was saying.  She described and I quote "I sure hope they don't have the same machines as last time, and I sure hope I know how to work it, because last time I had no idea what I was doing" 

That bothers me a little...shouldn't a news outlet SOMEWHERE do a story prior to the voters get in line showing everyone HOW? 

Some people don't care about who they're voting for...
Another man was talking to his friend in line about how he was just going to vote straight ticket and that he didn't know or care "about those other dudes" on the ballot. 

He might want to pay a little more attention on who is running for Sheriff...I have a feeling he might be seeing a lot of that office in the years to come based upon his behavior in the line.  Pay attention to those little guys on the ballot, what they're all about can be important and affect you more in your local community than the two jokers at the National level.  Focus people.

Some things never change...
As I moved to the front of the line I was greeted by a woman much older than I with little round glasses and gray hair...literally Red Riding hoods grandmother.  I gave her my Texas Drivers License and my Social Security Card, and she looked at them through the glasses on her nose and typed my name into the computer in front of her.  She looked up at me and said..."Now..honey this isn't right...this is Frisco address"  I said..."Yes ma'am...it is..."(we were IN Frisco after all) so she was right.  Then she asked me my address, which I gave her, which then caused her to look confused as she glanced at my DL again.  Then it hit me.  I had moved since the last election and the last address they had was my old one.  So a gentlemen came up and asked me if I had moved, I said yes, the befuddled lady handed me a voters registration card and made me fill in a change of address right in front of her...not to the side...she had to WATCH me fill it in.  I felt like I was in 2nd grade again.

All in all it was a speedy voting experience, and interesting to listen in on folks around me. 

Regardless of who you are voting for, just get out and go do it.  Just...read up a little on each one before you make your choice.  It's important. 

This political moment was brought to you today by the Letter E.  VOTE!


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