Pinterest and the Letter E

The past couple of weeks I have been indulging in my two passions.  Photography, and the internet.  I was sent an invitation by one of my Facebook friends to try Pinterest.  Not knowing much about the app except what I had read about on other sites my curiosity piqued.  So I accepted the invitation and moseyed on over to check it out.  I discovered that Pinterest is an online scrap book of different things that interest you and others on the web and all bundled into a pretty visual package.  It allows you to click on an image uploaded by another user or to load your own.  You can add a link to the images that directs to any webpage.  For example, yesterday I 'repinned' an image of Thai Coconut Curry soup, but clicking on the image itself took me back to the web page where I found the recipe.  Can't wait to try it.  

So after exploring for the past couple of weeks I have found that I enjoy this site immensely.  It brings people and photos together in an eclectic mix of interesting posts meant to be shared.   All of the images you 'repin' can be regrouped in your own boxes on your site.  You create names for each box and can file all of the photos you repin accordingly.  You can also follow people and view what they pin on their pages for more content to share.  This is especially fun since you are able to follow artists, photographers, crafters, and businesses if you like.  From a marketing perspective this site has the potential to create a higher level of awareness for a business and really get your product or service information into the hands of those most likely to purchase it.  Now, since the images on Pinterest are not really censored sometimes questionable images can pop up here and there in the name of 'art'.  If an image offends you it's best not to acknowledge it as you will then receive every comment after yours, which can be a real annoyance.  I haven't figured out how to turn that off yet. :)  

So with all of the other social media sites forcing me to talk to others, Pinterest it a nice escape.  I don't have to comment on anything if I don't want to, but I'm always welcome to.  I don't have to share every image, and an just 'browse' whatever subject I desire.  It's a great way to collect photos, and websites in one clean neat package.  I invite you to my Pinterest site to check it out.  I'd also be interested to hear what you have to say about it so feel free to drop me a line or two.  Dialogue is always welcomed!  So, Happy Pinning!

This blog was brought to you by the letter E!
Seize the day!


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